The Free Music Archive provides free, high-quality, music in a wide range of genres. The content on Free Music Archive is used under
various creative commons licenses. Anyone can download music from FMA for use in podcasts and videos.
Sound Bible is a resource for finding and downloading free sound clips, sound effects, and sound bites. All of the sounds on Sound Bible
are either public domain or labeled with a Creative Commons license. You can find sounds for use in podcasts, videos, and slideshows.
Royalty Free Music hosts music tracks that can be reused in numerous ways. Royalty Free Music charges the general public for
their downloads, but students and teachers can download quite a bit of the music for free. To access the free music tracks students and teachers should visit the education page on Royalty
Free Music.
Jamendo is a source of free and legal music downloads. The music on Jamendo comes from the artists who upload it themselves. While not
all of the music is licensed for re-use, there is a substantial collection of music labeled with a Creative Commons license.